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Ace Week

October 27th, 2021 An Interview with Callum Dunn for Disabled Ace Day

In this series, we interview a variety of Disabled Aces with diverse backgrounds in honor of #DisabledAceDay and in conjunction with Ace Week.

For this interview, we will hear from Callum Dunn of Leicester, UK. We strive to feature a variety of experiences in this series and although Callum has not had a lot of experience engaging openly as a Disabled Ace, experiences like this are still important to consider and uplift in our community. 

Please introduce yourself! How do you identify in terms of asexuality, disability, passions, professions, or anything else you’d like to share with us? 

Hi my name is callum and I am an Asexual who suffers from Dyspraxia. I have only been an open Asexual for 9 months but yet to come out for family and friends

How do your asexual and disabled identities interact with one another and what unique challenges have you faced while living at this intersection? 

To be completely honest my disability has never effected my life and I have ignored it for majority of my life

Have you personally experienced any ableism from within the asexual or other LGBTQ2IA+ communities?

With me only being an open Asexual for only 9 months I haven’t had the biggest opportunity to join the community and I have never spoken openly about my disability online.

Have you personally experienced any acephobia from the disability community?

Once again it’s a similar answer as the last. I have never been open about my disability or sexuality so I have yet to experience any form of discrimination thankfully

What advice do you have for folks who wish to become better allies to disabled aces?

The best advice I could give is to not ask the typical questions you would ask an Asexual. So asking an asexual parent for example how they have a kid is not a great question to ask an asexual. But if you are looking to be an ally there is no harm in asking questions about being an Asexual. So if you ask me how my dating life works for example I would be completely ok with answering that question but not every asexual would be so you need to be considerate when asking questions about asexuality.


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