September 2nd, 2019 Ace Week is Joining Asexual Outreach

Nine years ago, Asexual Awareness Week was founded to bring visibility and recognition to asexual spectrum (ace) identities. Over those years, communities across the globe have embraced this celebration and made it their own in remarkable and inspiring ways. By hosting workshops and gatherings, organizing blogging events, writing articles, and advocating for other organizations to recognize ace identities, countless ace activists are changing the way society sees people on the asexual spectrum.
Today, we’re expanding on that legacy and building a new future for Asexual Awareness Week. To ensure this incredible event continues to play its important role in our community, Asexual Awareness Week is becoming a project of Asexual Outreach. By joining forces, our ability to support community efforts and to advocate for ace awareness will vastly increase.
Asexual Outreach is a non-profit organization building a national advocacy movement to strengthen communities and change lives. Since 2014, our organization has been supporting ace people as they discover themselves, build communities, and educate others. Through coordinating Asexual Awareness Week, we’re excited to build on the advocacy work we’ve taken on over the past five years.
Through this transition, it’s been clear that Asexual Awareness Week is about so much more than raising awareness. It has become a celebration of our community and the advancements we’ve made while continuing the fight for progress. In recognizing this broader purpose, Asexual Awareness Week will now officially be known as Ace Week.
In many ways, Ace Week belongs to the broader ace community, and this will never change. As we take on this new role, our focus will be on supporting the existing community efforts that have made the week what it is today and on providing resources that help others make a difference themselves.
We’re thrilled to be on this journey with you as we realize the full potential of Ace Week. Organizers and advocates across the world are making a difference in so many lives, and we can’t wait to share the ways we plan to support their efforts!
We’ll see you on October 20 - 26 for Ace Week 2019!