October 23rd, 2020 5 Ways You Can Participate In Ace Week

Ace Week is all about raising awareness and celebrating the ace community! There are so many different ways you can connect with the community and make a difference, and we’ve come up with 5 ideas to help you get started.
#1: Follow ace accounts on social media
With so many conversations and communities being held online, there are amazing community leaders on every social media platform!
To help you get started, you can follow the official Ace Week accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr where we work hard to share and promote some of our favorite activists and leaders from around the community!
#2: Read a book with an ace character
Our community is so fortunate to have amazing authors writing novels with ace characters in them! Books are such a great way to connect with characters who share your identity, and there are fantastic resources online that curate lists of ace books.
If you’re looking for ideas, we’re big fans of Loveless, The Birds, the Bees, and You and Me, and Let's Talk About Love!
#3: Attend a community event online
While most of us can’t attend events in person this year, there are dozens of virtual Ace Week events from around the globe that we can choose from! Whether you’re looking for a workshop, a social hangout, a game night, or a documentary screening, check out our events list and see if something catches your eye!
#4: Volunteer with an ace organization
Nonprofit organizations and community groups play such an important role in the ace advocacy movement, and all of them thrive on the volunteers who carry out their work! If you’re looking for a way to get more involved in the ace community, consider volunteering!
If you belong to a local community group, you can always reach out to them and see what you can help out with. You can also apply to volunteer with our organization or with other national organizations like TAAAP or AVEN.
#5: Donate to an ace nonprofit
Donations go a long way in supporting the life-changing work that ace organizations carry out every day!
You can donate to Ace Week through our donations form, and you can also look at this list of other ace organizations that accept donations.